PEOPLE SEEPEOPLE SEEK meaning outside of themselves, something bigger that transcends the natural realm and offers answers to the big questions of life. Surprisingly, in our modern age that often means turning to the pagan gods of antiquity.K meaning outside of themselves, something bigger that transcends the natural realm and offers answers to the big questions of life. Surprisingly, in our modern age that often means turning to the pagan gods of antiquity.Continue Reading


WHEN ARE GODS not gods? When they’re rebranded as human judges or rulers to avoid uncomfortable theological implications. Brian Godawa (, best-selling author of the theological thriller Cruel Logic, Doug Van Dorn (, author of Giants: Sons of the Gods, and Dr. Judd Burton (, author of Interview with theContinue Reading


ARE WE GUILTY of “majoring in the minors” by talking about the weird parts of the Bible? Studying topics like giants, gods, and dragons in the Bible is important. But does focusing on these subjects detracts from the message of love, grace, and salvation in Jesus Christ?  Brian Godawa (, best-sellingContinue Reading


ONE OF THE difficulties in understanding the spirit realm is that New Testament authors, especially Paul, used the same Greek terms for both earthly and heavenly beings. So, how do we understand terms like thrones, dominions, rulers, authorities, principalities, and powers? To borrow another phrase from Paul, as though we’reContinue Reading


NEARLY EVERY culture on Earth features a creation account that includes heavenly voice speaking into the human world and creating the algorithms of human civilization. Ali Siadatan, creator of Think Again Productions, joins us to discuss the fundamental differences between the creation accounts of the pagan world and the storyContinue Reading
