WHEN ARE GODS not gods? When they’re rebranded as human judges or rulers to avoid uncomfortable theological implications. Brian Godawa (www.Godawa.com), best-selling author of the theological thriller Cruel Logic, Doug Van Dorn (www.douglasvandorn.com), author of Giants: Sons of the Gods, and Dr. Judd Burton (www.BurtonBeyond.net), author of Interview with theContinue Reading


It’s a virtual roundtable this week as we’re joined by three men who have invested a lot of time and energy into untangling scripture from myths and legends of the ancient world to understand why the Hebrew prophets and apostles were led to include giants in the Bible.Continue Reading


THERE WERE three great rebellions against God in early human history. Most Christians only know about one. Tyler Gilreath, pastor of Gulf Shores Church of Christ, joins us to discuss his new book Gospel Over Gods: Jesus Christ, the Fallen Angels, and the Supernatural War of the Bible.

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