Turkey Syria

IT’S DIFFICULT to understand what’s happening on the other side of the world. Not only is our media filtered, but we don’t begin to grasp the nuances of culture, race, and religion that affect geopolitics. In the hope of shedding some light on what looks like a possible flashpoint forContinue Reading

The Great Oil Conspiracy

WOULD IT surprise you to learn that oil is a renewable resource that has nothing at all to do with fossils? Probably, since some very powerful forces have a vested interest in preserving the myth of “peak oil”. Jerome Corsi, #1 best-selling author and senior staff writer for WorldNetDaily, isContinue Reading

Psalm 83 confederation

WITH THE backing — or at least the approval — of the United States and other Western powers, the Muslim Brotherhood has ascended to power in Egypt. Why is this important? There is a familiar expression: “As goes Egypt, so goes the Middle East.” Setting aside the question of whyContinue Reading

In the Beginning

WHY CAN’T Christians just accept the theory of evolution and be done with it?  Two main reasons: First, it eliminates the need for redemption and thus a Redeemer; and second, the evidence. Laurence Tisdall, founder and president of The Creation Science Association of Quebec (or, properly, L’Association de Science CréationnisteContinue Reading

The Artilect War

WE MAY be on the verge of creating a race of beings that will destroy us. That’s the warning of artificial intelligence (AI) researcher Dr. Hugo de Garis, author of The Artilect War: Cosmists Vs. Terrans: A Bitter Controversy Concerning Whether Humanity Should Build Godlike Massively Intelligent Machines.  Dr. deContinue Reading
