TOO OFTEN, we Christians are terrible ambassadors for our king. We prefer that those with the greatest needs clean themselves up a bit before admitting them into our congregations. David and Tonya Holt have been on the outside looking in—dealing with various issues like drugs, abuse, and homelessness, whichContinue Reading


FAIRY TALES aren’t all Mother Goose and Snow White. There is a dark side to those stories that can be traced back to the entities in the unseen realm.Continue Reading


THE CHALDEANS were the people who created the kingdom of Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon who destroyed the Temple of Yahweh in Jerusalem. The spirit behind his kingdom still influences the world today. Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat joins us from Tel Aviv to discuss his new book, Unmasking the ChaldeanContinue Reading


HOLLYWOOD IS drawing our culture into paganism. There is no other way to characterize the types of movies and TV series coming out of the major studios.Continue Reading


MOST OF US have had an experience that can be described as night terrors or sleep paralysis. For some, however, it’s a common, ongoing experience—one that makes going to bed a living hell. Vicki Joy Anderson, author of the new book They Only Come Out at Night: Exposing the DarkContinue Reading
