VFTB 3/21/21: Dr. Judd Burton – Neolithic Temple of the Watchers

GOBEKLI TEPE appears to be an ancient temple representing a portal to the underworld inspired by a class of angelic beings called Watchers.

Dr. Judd Burton joins us again to discuss his research into one of the most mysterious sites on Earth, the oldest known community built for religious reasons, and he explains why he calls this a “90-degree angle culture change in human history.”

You can download Judd’s paper “The War of the Words, God-Kings, and Their Titles: A Preliminary Report on the Linguistic Relationship Between The Rephaim and Royal Titles in Eurasian Languages” for $3.99. Click here.

Join us in the Holy Land! Please note: The dates of our next tour of Israel have been changed to October 19–30, 2025. For more information, log on to GilbertHouse.org/travel.

Read my novels for free! Iron Dragons and The God Conspiracy are part of Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited program, and they’re linked at my author page: Amazon.com/author/derekpgilbert.

Please join Derek and Sharon Gilbert each Sunday for the Gilbert House Fellowship, our weekly Bible study podcast. Log on to www.GilbertHouse.org for more details.

And check out our weekly video program Unraveling Revelation (www.unravelingrevelation.tv)!

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