IT’S CALLED the world’s oldest temple. While only a small portion of the site has been excavated, the clues point to one solid conclusion: It was built as a point of contact with the gods.  Our usual Iron and Myth crew is joined by special guest Dr. Aaron Judkins (,, co-author with Dr. Judd Burton ( Reading


GÖBEKLI TEPE has been called the oldest temple in the world. Who—or what—was worshipped there? Dr. Aaron Judkins and Dr. Judd Burton, authors of the new book Decoding Gobekli Tepe: Biblical Anatolia and the Watchers (, join us to explore the significance of the ancient site. They discuss the archaeologicalContinue Reading


ARCHAEOLOGISTS CALL IT the oldest temple on Earth. If that’s so, who or what was worshiped there? Dr. Aaron Judkins ( joins us to share the research behind his new book, Guardians of Göbekli. We discuss the evidence for the site’s use as a place of worship, rites that mayContinue Reading


MUCH OF the Bible’s early history occurred in the land we now call Turkey. Noah’s boat landed there, and Abraham—contrary to what you may have been taught—was from northern Mesopotamia, not Sumer.Continue Reading


Dr. Judd Burton joins us again to discuss his research into one of the most mysterious sites on Earth, the oldest known community built for religious reasons, and he explains why he calls this a “90-degree angle culture change in human history.”

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